Monday, January 7, 2013

Organizing Thoughts

Lately I've felt a little more disorganized with my thoughts and ideas. I'll have a sudden burst of creativity only to forget it a moment later. Ideation books do wonders, but sometimes my terrible scribbles can't translate my thoughts completely.

I've been reluctant to join any new forms of social media (Tumblr, Instagram, etc.) but I'm contemplating joining Pinterest. At first, I thought it was just a website used to "pin" pictures of things you liked but my friend Jeffrey pitched the idea to me in a different way. He explained how you can organize the pictures in different folders which is super helpful for things like mood boards and organizing ideas for projects. I do something similar already with a folder on my desktop but Pinterest's interface seems to work a lot better since you can get an overview of everything in an orderly fashion instead of having to preview individual files or create a mood board from scratch. On top of that, it also helps organize together articles, videos, etc. Hmm.. I have some downtime at work right now.. I'll get that set up.

Besides trying to recollect my thoughts, my mind has been focused on reworking my reel for a couple of internships I have in mind. My final semester at college requires that we do 135 hours of work so I've been on the lookout for some motion graphics internships. I'm going to be picky about where I want to go (I know, I know.. beggars can't be choosers) because I really want to be surrounded by people who are passionate about this kind of stuff and who does work I highly respect. I have an opportunity to go back to the VFX house I was interning at for awhile but through self exploration I've discovered that maybe VFX isn't my thing (well, maybe not hardcore rotoscoping and rudimentary painting). I definitely want my specialization to be a motion graphics artist and want to learn as much as I can before I graduate because lately, I feel my college has nothing left for me learn. Currently looking out to get a couple of classes learning motion graphics work on After Effects and Cinema 4D at Gnomon.

This coming weekend will also be a busy one. I've offered to help out another senior thesis project which will be shooting at the CBS backlot. It won't be as intense as the previous film I worked on since I won't have to worry about picking up gear and commanding a team, but it'll be 12 hours days as usual fighting for sunlight. This will be a good way for me to hit the ground running when the semester starts and harden me for when I leave the sheltered college life to compete against everyone in the real world.

I've also started commuting on bike again. It feels good because even though it may take a bit longer to work I get to enjoy a sort of mini adventure each time I get on the streets. It's fun to just be riding with some good music and thoughts coming and going. I also get the opportunity to explore on my way home. Here's a strip from Calvin and Hobbes about his dad and cycling.

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