Sunday, February 5, 2012

NYPD Remix

Just had a long stride working on Avid Media Composer for the creative half of my advanced editing class project. So far, so good. I thought it would tak me a lot longer, but I've managed to cover 1/3rd of what I wanted to do in one session.

Started to customize my interface and keyboard shortcuts of Media Composer. I'm surprised the "Edit In" command doesn't have its own shortcut. It's basically the same function as the "Blade Tool" in Final Cut Pro in which it splits a piece of media in your timeline where your scrubber stands. That sort of function has been part of my workflow in editing since forever and ever since I've remapped and customized my keys/shortcuts I've been editing faster.

Here's a music video I've enjoyed because of it's sci fi feel. Hooray for the Earth's "True Loves" music video stands out to me with its nicely done visual effects and some good cinematography. What I probably loved the most about it was the "Planet of the Apes" type of style and vintagey space suit which seems to pay homage to those of the 60's.

Also, the "jumping" from place to place reminds me of when you're dreaming and you're suddenly transported somewhere else in an almost unnoticeable and seamless fashion.

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