Friday, January 20, 2012

Fly Me To The Moon

Music video for VERSIS' "Fly Me T' The Moon".
Some amazing typography work here. Definitely plan to get to this level someday in my life when it comes to motion graphics.

I haven't been updating much lately because I wanted to take a rest from working any of my side jobs. Currently about to finish a small (really really small) intro and end credit job. School is also coming back around the corner, and I'm excited because I'm taking some fun classes this semester like a location sound class, Pro Tools class, and aiding in an advanced Avid editing class (which I plan to sit down and learn too).

I've also been researching in fxphd, an online training resource for programs like Nuke, Cinema4D, and After Effects. I've heard a lot of good things about them, and will probably save up and do classes during the Summer or Fall. They even provide VPN keys along with the tuition!

I've also managed to order a Wacom Bamboo Connect graphics tablet. It's the basic of the basic, but then again, all I really do in After Effects is trace shapes or do some minor rotoscoping. Plus, I'm not sure if I want to commit to something like Wacom's Intous just yet. I'm excited to use it because I've been in a much more ergonomic mood lately. I've even cut the legs of my desk shorter to better suit me and my aching wrist. It's currently on its way in the mail and I should be expecting it sometime next week.

And in other technological news, I've upgraded my current workhorse (a 21.5" iMac mid 2011 2.5 Intel i5) from 4gb's to 16 for around $99 (shipping and handling included)! Thank you Other Worldly Computing.

I'm ready for this semester. I feel it's gonna be a tough one, but I haven't even grown a grey hair yet, so that means I haven't even been on the edge of frustration and difficulty.

Come at me, bro!

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