Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not so Ashy Wednesday

Today is the start of Lent, which is a Catholic practice of the sorts, and when it comes to religion I've grown a bit distant from the Roman Catholic church itself. I don't agree with too many rules under the church's rule, but I still consider myself a spiritual person who believes in God, or a God.

There are some things I still follow though just for the heck of it and Lent is one of them. Long story short, for Lent, you give up something for 40 days (usually a sort of sacrifice of something you like like sweets, alcohol, Facebook, etc) and I've decided to give up being lazy. This means I'm getting back into running and working out again. Summer is coming along, so I gotta get that summer bod ;D.

Here's what one of my best friends, Erwin, thinks of Ash Wednesday.

Oh, and I came home to this after a long day.


Thanks, Jess! I support Lupe and his battle versus Atlantic Records and vowed to only buy this album and not pirate a lick of it. I'm dead broke and didn't expect to own the album until way later, but I guess my expectations were wrong :D

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