Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Star Wars Thanksgiving from photo journalist Stephen Hayford.

"With the exception of one image, I've always focused my Thanksgiving photos on the feast," says Hayford. "This year I decided to look at the activity leading up to the meal. Han attempts to win over Leia by demonstrating his usefulness in the kitchen, while joking with his helper. Chewie celebrates a nuna-ball goal while Ben feels as though millions of voices screamed out in terror and suddenly didn't cover the point spread. Artoo plays the role of a curious child checking out meal preparation (he's also wondering when he can get a swig of that motor oil on the counter). I downplayed Luke this year, letting him fall out of focus as he sets the table with a new friend (and he clearly is too short to be a stormtrooper). And for the curious, the other nondescript character seen in the back between Han and Leia is Governor Tarkin bringing in extra folding chairs.""

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


It's Thanksgiving weekend and I'm becoming buried under work.

I landed a compositing gig digitally removing logos from a short film titled "For Flow". It's 18 minutes long, and this is my first freelance job which was not a type project, but I'm happy I'm doing something new. This job isn't that hard, it's just extremely time consuming. At first I rotoscoped the first 12 seconds of the project then realized that I'd have to do over 20,000 frames individually so I've started experimenting with other workflows.

So far I've clocked in 9 hours of work today, and have done about 1 minute's worth of footage. I just stopped because my eyes can't even distinguish my masks from the footage. I should be speeding up my sessions, or else I'm going to have to lose some sleep to finish before its due date of the 3rd of December. This project will also being airing on HBO, not primetime, of course, but during the wee hours of the morning.

I just finished some ADR work (basically recording voice overs and dubs) for my class' short film, and I'm about to begin post sound this weekend. I honestly have no idea how to use Protools, or Soundboard, and may even begin editing on Final Cut just to avoid the technical learning curve, but this will only be the case if I find I don't have enough time to finish my freelance job.

Over the past months many people in my film production class began filming and a lot of people from different productions went out and helped each other shoot. Unfortunately for me, I recently discovered how much I kinda dislike production, and didn't help much during other people's shooting days. Luckily for everyone else, I love post production, and have decided to help another group composite out some mistakes for their film for free. I just wanted to exercise more compositing work, and also leap at a chance to use my ability to use After Effects for my film cohort so I can build connections as a post production visual effects guy.

And last, but not least, "Project X". It is a little behind schedule, but none-of-the-less, it's still being worked on with what little free time I have. Maybe I'll be able to finish it during Christmas break.

I haven't started at a computer screen this long since my last major type project. Time to call it a break from editing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Best Coast, coast to coast.

Great short directed by Drew Barrymore for a series of songs by surf pop band Best Coast.

Thanks, Jeff, for the share.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Feeling a bit like a hippie..

I just finished watching this documentary called "2012: Time for Change". It's out on Netflix right now for streaming and I thought it was pretty interesting. It had its moments where it felt a little "too green", but the message they're trying to put out is a great one.

What interested me the most about this documentary was their explanations of the possibility of the next change in human evolution into a sort of collective consciousness and the prediction of 2012 being a change in a state of mind rather than the physical. The documentary interviews many key people who are pioneering a way to help with this change of consciousness and also involves some interesting interviews from journalist Daniel Pincheback, director David Lynch, Sting, and Ellen page to name a few.

Everything from exploration of nature, human culture, life, capitalism, a short analysis of the human psyche, spirituality, consciousness, and psychedelics as eye openers are discussed.

Also, the animations they use in between interviews are pretty creative and neat looking.

I've also stumbled upon this short animation for Chipotle after watching the film, and I swear to god that I didn't purposely search for it, it found me.

I love Willie Nelson's cover of Coldplay's "The Scientist" and the stop motion work is pretty amazing. Makes me wonder how anyone has patient to do that type of work.

On another note, I'm hoping to get a small gig doing some compositing work. I hope I can freelance my way through college, but I'm still on a job search just to be on the safe side. I'm extremely thankful for my friends who've been brave to try this lifestyle out and even receive positive motivation from them. I'm also really thankful Jess is helping me out by finding jobs for me and resources to help me do this.

Man, I wish there was more time in the days. My mind always seems to be moving around with new ideas I want to try out, or with the yearning to learn something new on After Effects.

Note to self: buy a notebook and start writing down ideas before they escape my thoughts.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


" "

Creativity is essentially a lonely art. It is in reality the ability to reach inside yourself...and drag forth from your very soul an idea.

Lou Dorfsman
CBS Art Director